In Memory of






Condolence From: Teresa Putnam
Condolence: Zeb and family, I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful mom you had. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I know she was a special mom. I miss mine everyday! My prayers will continue for you and all your family. Sincerely, Teresa Putnam
Friday October 27, 2017
Condolence From: Dail Gragg
Condolence: So sorry for you loss, such a beautiful lady inside and out. I feel blessed to have known her and know that you will miss her dearly. I Love Ricky (zeb) and always will, and I am deeply sorry. Sending love and light to you and yours.
Friday October 28, 2016
Condolence From: Pat & Susan Franklin
Condolence: We're so sorry for your loss. She was a really loved lady. Keeping the family in our prayers.
Thursday October 27, 2016
Condolence From: Katie & James Russell
Condolence: Zen & family, we are so sorry for you loss of this very special, beautiful lady. You are in our prayers.
Wednesday October 26, 2016
Condolence From: Carolyn Gragg
Condolence: Connie, Zeb and families my deepest sympathy to you. You mom was such a wonderful lady, so gracious, kind and loving. I know that she will be missed by all but we all know we will be reunited again one day in heaven. My prayers and love to you all. Carolyn Gragg
Wednesday October 26, 2016
Condolence From: Cindy Dunn
Condolence: Connie and Gary, I am so sorry for your loss. My sister, Denise, thought so highly of your mother as they were neighbors in the village.
Wednesday October 26, 2016
Condolence From: Kim Swafford
Condolence: Zeb & family, I am so sorry for you loss. I didn't see your mom that often in the last few years but when I did she was so sweet to me. She loved to tell me stories about you & Larry. She would laugh and say she couldn't help but like him. She could make me laugh. I will always remember her with a smile. Again, so sorry for your loss. Love you and will be sending prayers your way...Kim.
Wednesday October 26, 2016
Condolence From: Tim and Denise Cody
Condolence: Connie and Zeb We are so very sorry for your loss. We loved Mary Lee so much, she was just a wonderful person and I loved her out spoken ways, she was alot like me! She was so sweet to me always, Tim and I had just a couple of weeks ago said we needed to go see her, I am ashamed to say we did not make it there. During my confinement with my mother she came to see me twice she was a very special friend to me I will miss her smiling face!
Wednesday October 26, 2016